PM Kisan FPO Yojana

PM Kisan FPO Yojana

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Social News
11 months ago

The Modi administration has launched the PM Kisan FPO Yojana if you are a farmer and engage in farming. You (Kisan FPO) may benefit much from the Kisan FPO scheme.

The Modi administration plans to invest 5000 crore rupees in agriculture and farmers over the next five years. The Modi government has launched the PM Kisan FPO Yojana or Farmer Producer Organization.

FPO stands for Farmer Producer Organization, which refers to a group of farmers who carry out agricultural productive labor and are incorporated under the Companies Act. Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the PM Kisan FPO Yojana from Chitrakoot in UP. In the next five years, the government would invest 5000 crore rupees in the PM Kisan FPO Yojana.

The Pm Kisan FPO Yojana will provide all of the benefits that a company receives, but because of the organization's total dissimilarity from cooperative politics, cooperative acts will not be applicable to this business.

What is the Kisan FPO Program? Pm Kisan FPO Yojana: What is it?

Agricultural Producer Organization, or FPO, is a group of farmers who are involved in productive agricultural work or who are pursuing commercial agriculture-related activities. Such farmers are required to create their own organization under the Kisan FPO program, which must then be registered under the Companies Act. Common farmers profit greatly from the Pm Kisan FPO Yojana registration, as we will explore more.

Benefits Of PM Kisan FPO

  • With the help of Kisan FPO, a group of small and marginal farmers, the farmers will not only be able to sell their produce, but it will also be very simple for them to buy fertilizer, seeds, pressing equipment, and other agricultural supplies.
  • Farmers will receive services at very low prices after Pm Kisan FPO is created, and middlemen's jobs will also be eliminated.
  • Farmers benefit from a direct market and fair pricing for their produce under the FPO system.
  • Farmers in the agricultural sector will be united after the creation of the Kisan FPO organization, and they won't be taken advantage of in the future.
  • Farmers will receive a fair price for their products.
  • The government will establish 10,000 new Agricultural Producer Organizations (Kisan FPO) during the next five years.
  • From 2019–20 through 2023–2024, the government intends to establish 10,000 new Agricultural Producer Organizations (Pm Kisan FPO).

  • In order for PM Kisan to become an FPO, the following conditions must be met

    There are a few requirements that must be met if you are a group of farmers and wish to establish your FPO. We will go through these requirements in more detail below. After the creation of the FPO, the government gave millions of rupees to the Kisan FPO, which aids the farmers. The government occasionally offers financial help to farmers who have registered with Kisan FPO, and their issues are also given first priority.


  • Any farmer is welcome to join FPO.
  • Working capital will be needed in this organization to the tune of ten lakhs.
  • A vle, or farmer's group, must have at least 10 members.
  • There can be a maximum of 1000 farmers in one organization.
  • If 1000 farmers join this organization, each one can contribute one rupee to establish a working capital of ten lakh.
  • To register for the Kisan FPO Yojana, you will need to pay a fee.
  • The CSC VLE will not be permitted to join this organization if they are not farmers.


    Every farmer will have an equal share in the organization known as Kisan FPO. Whether it makes a bigger difference in obtaining working cash! However, this is a company where each farmer has an equal stake. The farmers all work together to benefit from any profit or loss to the business. Because of this, each farmer will own the csc Farmer Producer Organization.

    Which VLEs will compete for the Kisan FPO position?

    The csc spv will open 1 csc fpo in practically every block in the nation! which vle is interested in and engages in farming! The kisan fpo will be connected to those vle.Just CSC Valley Mail.

    Requirement for receiving funds from Kisan FPO.

    For the plains' farmers

    A group of at least 300 farmers must be organized if the farmers are working in the plains. If there are 10 farmers on the board, then there should be a minimum of 30 farmers per board member. Previously, Pm Kisan had a cap of 1000 farmers.

    Kisan FPO for areas with hills

    For hilly areas, the PM Kisan FPO Yojana requires the association of at least 100 farmers. They won't receive the company's benefits till after that.

    NABARD Consultancy Services Evaluation

    To create PM Kisan FPO and get funding from the government, Kisan FPO will also require NABARD Consultancy Rating. Your company's efforts will be evaluated by NABARD Consultancy Services. You will only be awarded a grant based on the company's rating.

    Also visible will be the business plan.

    What business plan do you have in place to help the farmers that are a part of the Pm Kisan FPO? Following a review of your company plan, it will be determined how much profit the farmers are receiving from it. It will also be evident how much work you put into helping the farmers and whether you give them a suitable market for their goods. Another crucial aspect is giving farmers access to a proper market.

    How would you rate the company's governance?

    You will also be able to observe the governance of the company you register under the PM Kisan FPO Yojana. Is the Board of Directors active or just a piece of paper? The Board of Directors will also monitor whether efforts are being made to ease farmers' access to the market or not.

    The board of directors should always be carefully chosen if you consider creating a Kisan FPO because of how much responsibility they will have in the future.

    The incorporation of another business into yours.

    It might be highly beneficial for your ranking if any company joins you. A company's rating may be favorable to you if it makes bulk purchases of items linked to farmers' needs, such as seeds, fertilizer, and medications. Farmers will benefit from cheaper goods as a result, which is good.

    The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development and the Small Farmers Agricultural Trade Association are currently working on the development and promotion of Pm Kisan FPO.

    These two organizations are among the approximately 5000 Kisan FPOs that are registered.

    Recently, the management of Kisan FPO was also delegated to National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC).

    How would PM Kisan FPO aid small and marginal farmers ?

    For the benefit of small and marginal farmers, Kisan FPO was established. Small, marginal, and landless farmers will benefit greatly from Kisan FPO. Members of the Small and Marginal Farmer FPO will have improved access to technologies, investments, financing, and markets, allowing them to expand their means of subsistence more quickly.

    The largest advantage under the Kisan FPO Yojana will go to small and marginal farmers with 1.1 hectares or less of land

  • Small, marginal farmers who own little to no land.
  • During the period of farmers and farming, they must deal with enormous difficulties.
  • Following issues are constants for small and marginal farms.
  • Those who will disappear once they become Kisan FPO.
  • For all small and marginal farmers, technology, high-quality seeds, and fertilizers are essential.
  • It is necessary to address the pesticide and financial issues.

  • Farmers will profit greatly from the PM Kisan FPO Yojana, it should be noted.

    You can speak with your accountant or the agriculture office to learn more about this.

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