Favorite Upper Body Workouts

Favorite Upper Body Workouts

category of Health Blog
Health Blog
1 year ago

The best approach is to include a variety of complex workouts in your regimen. Barbells, dumbbells, and machines will be used for some of those exercises, while resistance bands or your own body weight will suffice for others.

Here, we searched through our library of exercises for the upper body. The top 30 strength training exercises have been compiled by Hyson and Alex Diana, a trainer at CITYROW and coach for the CITYROW Go app.

They'll give you a fantastic upper body strength workout by concentrating on and stimulating muscular growth in your back, biceps, triceps, chest, forearms, and shoulders. The majority of these workouts can also be changed. (For instance, a face pull can be performed with a band, TRX, or cable pulley. One-arm rows can be performed with either a dumbbell or a cable pulley.)

In order to vary the exercises, use a suspension trainer, a resistance band, a dumbbell, or your body weight, depending on your unique fitness objectives and the equipment you have on hand.

These exercises won't just make you stronger overall; they'll also make your body more symmetrical, lower your risk of injury, and strengthen your core for daily functional fitness. Here is what you need to make the greatest upper body exercises ever.


- Legs extended behind you, hands somewhat wider than shoulder width apart on the floor.

- When your chest is barely above the floor, brace your core and slowly descend your body.

- Spend two seconds lowering yourself and two seconds pressing yourself back up.

- Keep in mind to maintain a flat back throughout the exercise, keep your elbows close to your sides, and extend your arms fully at the top of the pushup.

Table Press

- Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width while lying on a flat bench.

- Keep your glutes and abdominal firm, your elbows slightly tucked, and your back arched as you lower the bar to your chest.

- Drive your feet into the ground to press the bar back up once it meets your body. For each set, adjust your weights appropriately.

Associated Press

- Place the bar in a cage or squat rack and hold it just outside of shoulder width.

- Take the bar off the rack and hold it vertically in front of you at shoulder height.

- Brace your abs and squeeze the bar.

- As the bar crosses your face, press it overhead while bringing your head forward and shrugging your traps.

Press Push

- A barbell should be held at shoulder height with an overhand grip.

- Keep your upper arm parallel to the ground and your elbows up high.

- Drop down with your legs slightly bent, keeping your torso erect and not leaning forward.

- Drive the barbell above and stand tall as you explosively stretch your knees and hips.

- Before starting again, gradually lower the barbell to your shoulders.

Upright Bench Press

- With a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, lean back on an adjustable bench that has been adjusted to a 30- to 45-degree angle.

- After that, raise your feet off the ground while arching your back.

- Over your chest, lift the weights.

Sanitize and press

- Put your feet shoulder-width apart and stance.

- Then, with your lower back arched, lower your torso by bending your hips back, and with your hands shoulder width apart, grab the bar.

- To lift the bar off the floor, extend your hips.

- Jump and shrug the bar when it passes your knees so that momentum raises it and you catch it at shoulder level.

- Stand tall and engage your abs.

- Straighten the bar overhead and press.

Landmine Press

- Put the end of a barbell in a landmine station or wedge it into a corner.

- With your left hand, hold the opposite end toward the end of the sleeve while adding weight to it.

- To press the bar, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Inverted Row

- With an overhand grip on the bar (or dumbbells), lean forward until your torso is parallel to the ground.

- Row the weight to your neck while tightening the muscles in your shoulder blades.

- Use less weight than you would for a barbell row because this is different from doing one to your chest.

Single-arm row

- With one foot forward and a dumbbell in one hand, adopt a staggered posture.

- Lower your torso until it is virtually parallel to the floor by bending at the hips and knees.

- Allow the dumbbell to hang at shoulder height.

- Pull the dumbbell to the side of your chest without shifting your torso, maintaining your elbow close to your side.

Row inverted

- Place a barbell at around hip height in a power rack or on a Smith machine. (About four rungs up should work).

- With your heels on the ground, lie underneath it and grab it with hands that are about shoulder-width apart.

- Hold on to the bar with your body aligned in a straight line.

- Pull yourself up until your back is fully tensed by squeezing your shoulder blades together.


- Grab the bar with a supinated grip (palms facing you) at (or just inside) shoulder width.

- Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar while maintaining a strong core.

- To get your chin above the bar, avoid using momentum.


- Place your feet hip-width apart while standing, then bend your hips back.

- Hold the bar with your outside knees.

- As you rise up, keep your back flat and stretch your hips.

- As your shoulders move back and your hips drive through, lift the bar up along your body till lockout.

- Keep an eye on the ground a few feet in front of you while you pull.

- Return the bar to its starting position slowly.

EZ Bar Curl

- Hold an EZ bar with your palms face up, your arms outstretched, and your elbows slightly bent.

- Curl the bar up while maintaining your upper arms at your sides.

- Reverse the bar's downward motion for three seconds.

Dimwitted Curl

- Take a dumbbell in each hand and lean back on an adjustable bench that has been adjusted to a 45 to 60 degree incline.

- Hold the weights firmly in your braced core and with your hands facing up.

- Then, curl the weights up while maintaining a vertical upper arm position.

- Allow the weights to progressively revert to their initial position with arms fully extended after a brief pause.

- Maintain in mind to decrease the weight until your arms are fully extended, squeeze your biceps at the top of the lift, and maintain your elbows tucked at your sides.

Hinge Curl

- With your arms extended straight down and your palms facing your sides, hold a dumbbell in each hand.

- Curl both weights at once while keeping your upper arms by your sides to reduce the amount of momentum needed.

- Cross-Body Curl 16

- With your arms at your sides and your palms facing the body, hold a dumbbell in each hand.

- Keeping your back straight, slowly start to curl one dumbbell up toward the opposing shoulder.

- After a brief pause, progressively return to the beginning position.

- Keep your elbows firmly positioned at your sides, palms facing inward, and squeeze your biceps at the top position.

Triceps press

- Grab one end of a rope handle with each hand and fasten it to the cable station's top pulley.

- To feel a stretch in your triceps, push the weight down until your elbows are locked out. Then, when you raise the weight, let your elbows slide back slightly.


- If dip bars are accessible, use them. If not, prop your hands up on a bench or chair while extending your legs out in front of you.

- You should only squat down until your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

- Put your elbows out and rise.

Triceps Extension While Lying

- Hold the weights directly over your face as you lay on a bench.

- Bend your elbows while maintaining that angle in your upper arms, then lower the weights behind your head.

- While maintaining the same angle with your upper arms, extend your elbows.

Hang a tidy

How to execute:

- Start by placing your hands on the bar, shoulder-width apart, and holding it close to your body.

- As you squat, bend your knees and hips to drop the bar to just above your knees while maintaining the natural curve of your back.

- Pull the bar straight up in front of your torso while shrugging your shoulders and explosively extending your hips as if you were jumping.

Lower Laterally

- The bands should now create an X in front of your body as you step on the free end of each band with the foot on the other side.

- Until your upper arms are parallel to the floor, raise your arms 90 degrees out to the sides.

Lateral Raise with Bent Overs

- Maintaining the natural arch of your lower back, hold a dumbbell in each hand.

- When your body is roughly parallel to the floor, bend your hips back.

- Leave your arms hanging.

- Then, elevate your arms 90 degrees with your thumbs pointing up until your upper arms are parallel to the floor while squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Facial pull

- A cable station's top pulley should have a rope handle attached to it.

- Hold an end firmly in each hand, palms facing one another.

- To apply tension to the cable, take a step back.

- Pull the handles up to your forehead until your upper back is completely tensed and your hands are towards your ears.

Incline YTW 24

- Sit with your frontal body towards the seat of an inclined bench.

- Then, for the first position, extend and raise your arms in a "Y" formation with your thumbs up.

- Then lower them to create a "T" shape (thumbs down).

- Put your arms together in the shape of a "W" while shrugging, pulling your shoulder blades together, and elevating your arms as the last movement.


- Standing with your feet at shoulder width apart, hold dumbbells at your sides.

- Squat down until the weights are at knee level by bending your hips back.

- When you reach the summit, shrug vehemently.

- Before starting the following rep, reset your feet.

Dumbbell Press with Close-Grip

- On the inside edge of the knurling, the rough area of the bar, place your index fingers while lying faceup on a bench holding a barbell.

- Pull the bar out of the rack by arching your back.

- With your elbows tucked in roughly 45 degrees from your sides, lower it to your sternum.

- Drive your feet firmly into the ground as soon as the bar meets your body, then press the bar right above you. Remarkably, you can do this with dumbbells as well.

Dimwit Thruster

- Holding a dumbbell in each hand just above the shoulders with the palms facing inward, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

- Squat down till your thighs are parallel to the ground.

- Dumbbells should be raised overhead as you explosively push back up to the starting position, stretching through the hips.

Dust off and press

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a barbell in front of you, palms down. As you lower your hips, maintain your chest up. Push through your heels while keeping the bar close to your body, shrugging your shoulders, and thrusting your elbows forward to swiftly raise the bar to your collarbone. Push through heels once again and press directly overhead while straightening your arms and legs as soon as the bar hits your chest. Go back to your starting point.

Pullover drill

- Lie face-up on a stable surface while holding a dumbbell or kettlebell over your chest in one hand.

- Slowly raise your arm upwards until the bicep is aligned with your ears while keeping your back flat against the surface.

- Go back to your starting point.

- Perform dumbbell pullovers with lifted legs for a more difficult exercise: On a flat bench, lie face-up while holding a dumbbell across your chest with both hands.

- Engage core muscles, straighten, and elevate legs over bench while keeping back pressed against bench.

- Arms should be slowly raised above until biceps are parallel to the ears.

- Go back to your starting point.

Shoulder Press with Halo

- Hold a plate in both hands while standing with your feet hip-width apart.

- Lift the plate and turn it around and then counterclockwise around your head.

- While shifting your weight forward, keep your head up and try not to hunch your neck.

- To complete one rep, perform two overhead presses after two revolutions.

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