The Benefits of Strength Training for Older Women

The Benefits of Strength Training for Older Women

category of Health Blog
Health Blog
1 year ago

Strength training provides several health advantages, especially for older women. It's not just for muscle dudes.

Anyone can benefit greatly from strength training with weights, but women are especially encouraged to do so as they age. Here are some benefits of weight training, such as increased metabolism and improved stability.

Keep your bones safe.

Our bones' strength is maintained in large part by muscle-strengthening workouts. For women who have experienced menopause, this is essential. A woman's bone density decreases after menopause because the female sex hormone oestrogen preserves and maintains bone strength. In the first five years following menopause, women typically lose up to 10% of their bone mass, which increases their chance of getting osteoporosis.

Describe osteoporosis. The bones lose density when they lose minerals (such as calcium) more quickly than the body can restore them. Strengthening your muscles (more particularly, resistance exercise) once or twice a week is an excellent suggestion, under your doctor's guidance, to help maintain bone density.

By increasing the strain on your bones during weight training, your bones get stronger as a result of the increased muscle mass. Dumbbells, ankle weights, or wrist weights can be used during resistance training. The greatest strategy to maintain strong bones is to combine strength training with weight bearing exercises like running, tennis, walking, tai chi, and dancing.

accelerated metabolism

Your resting metabolism will increase as your muscle mass does. The body burns more calories when exercising regularly to build muscle, even while at rest. That is a ton of weight!

Stop your muscles from deteriorating

Muscle loss comes with aging. Adults lose 1-2% of their muscle mass year after the age of 50, and this loss rises to 3% beyond the age of 60. This implies that it's typical to lose strength and stability as well as put on weight with time. Regular weight training not only prevents muscle loss but also aids in muscular growth.

A third of seniors over 65 fall each year, and weak muscles are a typical contributor.

Boost stability

Many of us don't give feeling steady much thought, yet it's crucial to do so, particularly as we age. Debilitating falls can be avoided later in life by strengthening your muscles earlier in life and include balance and mobility exercises in your workout regimen.

Where do I begin?

The greatest place to start with weight training if you're new is with gradual, easy exercises. Lifting light hand weights or repeatedly getting in and out of chairs are wonderful places to start if you want to build strength and stability. The most crucial thing is to continue being active on a daily basis and to feel challenged as your fitness and strength improve.

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