Ways to Manage Your Medications

Ways to Manage Your Medications

category of Health Blog
Health Blog
1 year ago

You run a higher risk of falling if you take more than four drugs at once or have side effects from some of them. A key component of preventing falls is developing good drug management skills and understanding how medications impact you.

Why certain drugs make us more likely to fall is unknown. In other circumstances, rather than the medications themselves, it can be the underlying problems.

What should I do?

- Find out about your prescriptions

- Plan and organize your medication.

- The recommended dosage of your medication

Get to know your prescriptions:

When your doctor gives you a prescription, inquire about: -

- when to administer them.

- Things you should and shouldn't bring with them, such as food and alcohol.

- Whether taken alone or in conjunction with any other medications you're taking, any negative effects.

- To make it easier for you to discover the written instructions that come with your prescription, read them and keep them in one location (in a drawer or folder).

negative effects

Falls-related side effects include: -

- Feeling lightheaded or dizzy.

- Drowsiness.

- shakiness upon standing.

- double or hazy eyesight.

- I have trouble thinking coherently.

The following medications frequently result in negative side effects.

Increase the chance of falling:

- Anti-depressants.

- Medications for agitation and psychosis.

- Sedatives and sleeping pills.

- Anticonvulsants, or anti-epileptic drugs.

- Prescription drugs to reduce blood pressure.

Coordinating and preparing:

If you take a variety of medications, making a plan is very crucial. You can establish a routine and recognize times of day when your risk of falling is higher with the aid of a plan.

To make a medicine schedule:

- List all of your medications together with how frequently you take them, their intended uses, and any negative effects you may have.

- Plan your daily medicine schedule using the items on this list.

- Share your plan with your doctor and pharmacist, and always keep a copy on you.

- Regular medication reviews by your doctor will determine whether you still require them and whether the dosage is appropriate. Remember to update your planner if your medicine regimen changes.

Medicine cabinets:

Pill organizers or 'Dosette' style boxes can be useful if you take multiple prescriptions. You can fill it on your own or with help from caregivers and family. They assist you take your prescription on the correct day at the appropriate time by having distinct compartments for the days of the week or times of the day.

For more details, consult the pharmacist in your neighborhood.

Using prescription drugs:

- Take it as directed by your doctor, at the appropriate time of day.

- To make sure you're taking it appropriately, check the directions or your planner. Some medications must be taken with food, water, or both before a meal.

- Never use someone else's prescription medication; always use your own supply.

- It's crucial to inform your doctor or pharmacist if you encounter any side effects since they might want to adjust your dosage or test a different medication on you.

Some drugs can become less effective when combined with alcohol and can also cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, or lack of coordination. 

It is usually a good idea to speak with your doctor or pharmacist before consuming alcohol while taking medicine because doing so raises your chance of falling.

It's crucial to check with your pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter medications or dietary supplements you can get without 

a prescription because occasionally they can affect other medications you're taking.

Where to begin

Consider how you presently administer your medications:

- What effective medication management strategies are you already using?

- What adjustments can you make that would be beneficial?

- How will you implement these modifications?

- To whom do you need to speak?

Dependable source:

If you'd prefer to monitor your medication using a smartphone or tablet, Care 4 Today is a health management software that has been examined by professionals to guarantee its security.

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