International Current Affairs Questions and Answers (16)
Total Questions : 25
1. As per UNODC, which nation has just eclipsed Afghanistan to emerge as the world's leading producer of opium by 2023?
After a significant crackdown on poppy production since early 2022, Taliban-ruled Afghanistan was surpassed by Myanmar to become the world's leading opium producer in 2023. The UN ReadMore Office on Drugs and Crime reports that 1,080 metric tonnes of opium, which is used to make heroin, were produced in Myanmar this year. Meanwhile, after the Islamist Taliban rulers outlawed poppies, claiming they were un-Islamic, Afghanistan's output levels fell by 95% to barely 330 tonnes. The escalating instability and turmoil in the country since the coup in 2021 is blamed for the growth of the illegal opiate trade in war-torn Myanmar. Less

2. When Captain Fatima Wasim became the first female medical officer stationed at __, she made history.
As the first female medical officer to be stationed at an operational location in the world's highest battlefield—the Siachen Glacier—Captain Fatima Wasim made history. She was ReadMore assigned to a position at Partapur sector, which is located in the Union Territory of Ladakh at an elevation of 15,200 feet, following her arduous training at the Siachen Battle School. Her assignment is seen as a significant turning point in the military's efforts to empower women. Less

3. The term "Wakayama Soryu" that was recently in the news implies __ ?
 "Wakayama Soryu," which means Blue Dragon, is the name given to the apex predator mosasaur fossil that was found in Japan's Wakayama Prefecture. In 2006, researcher Akihiro Misak ReadMore i found the nearly entire 72 million-year-old fossil. It was recently described in detail in an article published in the Journal of Systematic Paleontology. The discovery of this enormous marine creature, which has paddle-shaped flippers and a crocodile-like skull, sheds new light on the ancient marine predators. Less

4. Which ministry oversees the Promotion of Manufacturing of Electronic Components and Semiconductors Scheme (SPECS)?
With funding of up to ₹10,000 crore, the government intends to introduce an updated incentive program called the Scheme for Promotion of Manufacturing of Electronic Components an ReadMore d Semiconductors (SPECS). In line with the semiconductor goal to position India as a global electronics hub, this action attempts to increase the production of semiconductors and electronic components. Less

5. Which international organization is connected to the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS), which was recently featured in the news?
In order to counteract the use of the internet for terrorist, separatist, and extremist goals, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) organized a cooperative anti-terrorism ex ReadMore ercise. The goal of the exercise, which India hosted in New Delhi, was to strengthen member state collaboration within the SCO in detecting and combating the unlawful use of the internet. The exercise was centered on sharing best practices for gathering digital evidence, preventing the use of digital assets to finance terrorism, and improving the ability to respond to cyberattacks on vital infrastructure. The exercise was regarded as a critical step in enhancing the SCO's capacity to combat terrorism. The Indian National Security Council Secretariat held a session on preventing terrorists, separatists, and extremists from abusing the internet before to the exercise. In line with the SCO's Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS), the fourth edition of the seminar sought to address a number of issues pertaining to the misuse of the internet, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the dark web, cryptocurrencies, and social media platforms. The member nations indicated their desire to work together more closely to solve cybersecurity concerns and stop internet abuse. Less

6. Who is the new Argentine president who just declared harsh economic measures including a 50% depreciation of the peso ?
The newly elected libertarian president of Argentina, Javier Milei, has declared emergency economic measures, including a 50% depreciation of the peso. This is being done in order ReadMore to address the nation's major economic difficulties as well as the yearly inflation rate of 143%. Opponents have, however, also criticized his bold moves. Less

7. On what day is the International Day of Neutrality observed every year?
The United Nations designates December 12 as the International Day of Neutrality, a day to encourage neutrality among all countries. In terms of international relations, neutrality ReadMore is defined as a state's refusal to take any part in a conflict involving other states, its upholding of objectivity toward the parties involved, and the parties' acknowledgement of these actions. The day was formally declared in 2017 by a resolution passed by the UN General Assembly. Less

8. What is VINBAX, as it was lately in the news, in regard to the relations between India and Vietnam?
India and Vietnam are participating in a combined military drill called drill VINBAX-2023. The goal of the exercise is to improve cooperation, advance interoperability, and exchang ReadMore e best practices between the two nations. Additionally, it seeks to strengthen military cooperation and capacities for defense and peacekeeping missions. The exercise is being hosted in Hanoi, Vietnam, from December 11–21, 2023, for its fourth edition. Forty-five members of the Indian Armed Forces are taking part in the drill. Less

9. Which nation held the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence recently?
At the Third Annual Summit in Japan, India was given the reins as the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) chair for the 2022–2023 term by France, the outgoing Co ReadMore uncil Chair. Following the assumption of the G20 Presidency, a league of the world's top economies, came this development. The inaugural Asian city to hold this summit is Tokyo. Four issues were covered in the meeting: commercialization and innovation, future of work, data governance, and responsible AI. Less

10. Which nation's prime minister and sultan, Haitham bin Tarik, was just in India on a state visit?
From December 16, 2023, Sultan Haitham bin Tarik was in India on a state visit. The history of trade between India and Oman spans several millennia, and evidence from archaeologica ReadMore l digs conducted in Oman during the Classical Age, which dates to approximately the third century BCE, has been uncovered. Afterwards, Oman maintained connections with Tamilakam on the Malabar Coast and with Gujarat, two Indian states. The Sultans of Oman and Zanzibar primarily leaned on Kutchi moneylenders such as Jairam Shivji. Kutchi Bhatias moved in huge numbers from Kutch to Muscat and then to Zanzibar. Less

11. Which country's diamonds are intended to be prohibited from entering the markets of the G7 countries?
Direct importation of raw diamonds from Russia will be prohibited by the G7 as of January 1, 2024. Beginning on March 1, 2024, Russian diamonds that have undergone processing in th ReadMore ird nations will likewise be prohibited. By early September, the G7 will likewise have a fully traceable system in place. With traceability mechanisms in place, the restrictions will be extended to half a carat or less in September for diamonds weighing one carat or more. Less

12. Which nation is the home of the recently-notoriety-grabbing Houthi rebels?
The Houthi movement, formally known as Ansar Allah, or "Supporters of God," is a political and military Shia Islamist group that was founded in the Saada Governorate of Yemen in th ReadMore e 1990s. The Houthis are members of a clan from the northwest region of Saada in Yemen, and they practice the Zaidi school of Shiite Islam. Their rise can be partially attributed to a backlash against the growing religious and financial might of Saudi Arabia. The Houthis invaded Saudi Arabia in November 2009 as part of their uprising against the central government of Yemen. The movement has its roots in Zaydī revivalism and was initially led by Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi, a politician and activist from Yemen who belongs to the Zaydī sect. Less

13. Which two nations are at odds over the Essequibo region that was recently in the news?
West of the Essequibo River, the territory known as the Essequibo region spans 159,500 km². The region is disputed by Guyana and Venezuela, and is also known as Esequibo or Guayan ReadMore a Esequiba in Spanish. Venezuela also claims the land, which Guyana controls on the basis of the Paris Arbitral Award of 1899. Venezuela has long argued that the UK was not fairly awarded the region in 1899. The International Court of Justice is now hearing the case, although Venezuela claims the court lacks jurisdiction to make a decision. Along with CELAC and CARICOM, two international organizations that represent the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean, Brazil, a neighbor, served as the meeting's brokers. Less

14. In what country was the phrase "middle-technology trap" making headlines recently?
A prestigious Chinese think group issued a warning about a possible "middle-technology trap," in which China's manufacturing industry is unable to keep up with fundamental advances ReadMore held by industrialized countries due to limitations in low- and mid-end technologies. This underscores concerns that China's transition to a high-income economy may encounter difficulties due to economic stagnation, given that technology limitations still exist even though industry transfers have so far benefited from low-cost advantages. Less

15. Which nation is home to the Gelephu Special Administration Region (SAR), which made headlines recently?
Recently, the designs for the 1,000 sq km Gelephu Special Administration Region (SAR), a megacity project close to the Indian border, were announced by King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wa ReadMore ngchuck of Bhutan. The $4.5 billion project represents Bhutan's aspirations to use connectivity with India to promote trade and investments by turning the southern border town of Gelephu into an economic powerhouse. Located at the intersection of South and Southeast Asia, the SAR would have its own legal framework and administrative structures to draw in outside capital. India is anticipated to be a major participant in the project due to its rail and road connectivity, therefore the King spoke with PM Modi about it during his most recent visit to India. Less

16. The projected International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) will not travel through which of the given countries?
Plans to link the port of Murmansk in Russia's Arctic coast with the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) were suggested by President Putin. The shortest land and s ReadMore ea route between Russia and India is provided by the 7,200-kilometer INSTC network, which passes through Iran, Azerbaijan, and Russia. By connecting INSTC to Murmansk, Putin hopes to improve connection throughout the Eurasian region. He explains that this will allow cargo to be shipped from the Arctic port to Western India in about 15 days. The strategic importance of the proposed link is highlighted by Russia's growing focus on Asia and its endeavors to establish transportation infrastructure throughout the Eurasian continent. India is a crucial partner in initiatives like INSTC, which aim to balance out China's Belt and Road Initiative. Less

17. In recent news, the names "JN.1" and "Pirola" have been associated with which of the following?
Authorities in India have verified that a patient from Kerala carries the novel Covid-19 subvariant JN.1. The JN.1 sub-variant, identified as an Omicron variant genotype, shares cl ReadMore ose ancestry with the BA.2.86 strain, often known as Pirola. JN.1 was initially found in January 2023 based on genetic surveillance data from the USA and China. Because this new variety comes from a virus that is prone to variants, health officials have stressed the importance of maintaining careful surveillance and constant vigilance. Its appearance demonstrates how the SARS-CoV-2 virus is constantly changing, giving rise to new sub-variants. Less

18. Which nation's armed forces most recently received the esteemed "Golden Owl" award in recognition of their exceptional work?
The esteemed "Golden Owl" award has been given to the Indian Armed Forces in recognition of their exceptional accomplishment. Three Indian Armed Forces officers enrolled in the pre ReadMore stigious Command and Staff Course at Defence Services Command and Staff College (DSCSC) in Sri Lanka have demonstrated exceptional performance and have been awarded the coveted "Golden Owl" award for their great work. The award, which was given by President Ranil Wickremesinghe of Sri Lanka, honors their remarkable accomplishments in analytical abilities, strategic thinking, and leadership potential. Less

19. On the moon Enceladus, scientists discovered hydrogen cyanide, a chemical essential to the emergence of life.
Utilizing information from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, researchers have found hydrogen cyanide in the waters of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. Hydrogen cyanide is a critical chemical ReadMore for the creation of life. The study, which was published in Nature Astronomy, indicates that the subterranean oceans on Enceladus might have more chemical energy than previously believed, which could help to sustain the synthesis and survival of complex organic compounds. The study found hydrogen cyanide, methanol, ethane, and oxygen in the plumes of water vapor erupting from Enceladus's surface, based on Cassini data obtained between 2004 and 2017. There are 62 moons known to exist on Saturn, with Titan being the largest. It is larger than Earth's moon and has an impenetrable, thick atmosphere. Less

20. Who awards the International Gender Equality Prize?
The Afghan Women Skills Development Center was given the 2023 International Gender Equality Prize. On December 11, 2023, in Tampere, Executive Director Mahbouba Seraj received the ReadMore €300,000 award from Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo. The Center is acknowledged for its vital work upholding women's rights and advancing gender equality in Afghanistan, especially in the difficult circumstances that followed the Taliban's takeover. The Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is responsible for overseeing the International Gender Equality Prize on behalf of the government. Since 2017, Tampere has served as both the Prize's partner and the location of the ceremony. Less

21. What percentage of global traffic goes through the Suez Canal and has been impacted recently by attacks in the Red Sea?
The Suez Canal, which facilitates ship movements between Asia and Europe, handles 12% of global trade. Following recent attacks on ships in the Red Sea by Yemen's Houthi group, whi ReadMore ch is affiliated with Iran, the canal has experienced interruptions. Trade has been stifled as a result, and a naval task force for safe passage has been established. Conflicts affect the flow of products around the world, leading to shortages and backlogs in the supply chain. The Houthis and the coalition led by Saudi Arabia are engaged in a protracted war in Yemen that includes these attacks. The strategic significance of the disturbances stems from the Suez Canal's location. Less

22. What is this Pantoea tagorei that made headlines recently?
Pantoea Tagorei is the name given by Visva-Bharati University researchers to a new species of bacterium that promotes plant development, in honor of Rabindranath Tagore's efforts t ReadMore o promote agriculture. The special qualities of the bacteria improve the nutrients in the soil. Less

23. Which nation is not a part of OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries?
Angola declared on December 21, 2023, that it was quitting the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) following 16 years of participation. As a result, there will ReadMore be just 12 members of OPEC. The five original members of OPEC—Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Kuwait—formed the organization in 1960. Algeria, Angola, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Libya, Nigeria, and the United Arab Emirates are among its thirteen members at the moment. Vienna, Austria serves as its headquarters. In 2019, Qatar opted out of membership. Qatar made the decision to quit OPEC after having been a member for some time. The nation declared in January 2019 that it will be leaving OPEC. The choice was taken to concentrate more on producing natural gas, of which Qatar is one of the world's leading producers. Less

24. Which strait - which made headlines recently—is also known in Arabic as the Gate of Tears?
Houthi attacks on tankers traveling through the Red Sea have turned the tiny strait of Bab el-Mandeb into a strategic chokepoint, intensifying the conflict and affecting internatio ReadMore nal shipping. The Arabic term "Gate of Tears" is another name for the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. Through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, it links the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean. It divides the Arabian Peninsula from Africa. Less

25. What is the name given to the iridescent clouds that have been observed recently over the West Midlands, northern England, and parts of Scotland?
Recently, areas of Scotland, northern England, and the West Midlands have noticed the strange shiny clouds known as nacreous clouds in the sky. During sunset and sunrise, these unc ReadMore ommon clouds, which resemble mother-of-pearl, shimmer with colors reminiscent of a rainbow. This phenomenon, which produces hues akin to a thin coating of oil on water, is caused by sunlight bending around microscopic ice crystals in the clouds. Optical diffraction, the process by which light waves interact with tiny particles and bend or spread out into spectral colors, is what creates these vibrant iridescent clouds. Less

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