International Current Affairs Questions and Answers (6)
Total Questions : 25
1. Who published the "State of the World Population" Report?
'8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities' is the title of the UN Population Fund's State of the World Population report, which was just published. India has surpassed China in ter ReadMore ms of population size, according to a UNFPA report, making it the world's most populated nation. Less

2. The "Overseas Security Assistance (OSA) program" was started by which nation?
The Overseas Security Assistance (OSA) initiative of Japan was unveiled. It will offer financial support to help other countries bolster their defenses. Only poor countries will b ReadMore e eligible to receive the assistance because it would be provided as grants, according to the foreign ministry. Less

3. Which nation's Project CAVForth is the first officially recognized service to employ full-sized autonomous buses?
To provide completely autonomous full-sized bus service across the Forth Road Bridge, Project CAVForth was introduced in 2019. The UK Government's Centre for Connected and Autonom ReadMore ous Vehicles is a partner in the collaborative project CAVForth, which is financed in part by that organization. It will deploy full-sized autonomous buses for the first time in a recognized service in the UK. The project's bus services will soon begin operating in Scotland. Less

4. What space agency developed the "Tropospheric Emissions Monitoring of Pollution Instrument"?
A new NASA tool will monitor pollution across North America called the Tropospheric Emissions Monitoring of Pollution Instrument. It will make it possible for scientists to keep a ReadMore n eye on air pollution and its origins from orbit. The spectrometer was made to take hourly, high-resolution measurements of air pollution throughout most of North America. Less

5. Which nation is the host of the global wargame known as "Exercise Orion"?
The greatest multinational exercise carried out by the French armed services is called Exercise Orion. India, the United States, and other French allies will participate in the glo ReadMore bal wargame known as Orion. Indian Rafale combat aircraft are anticipated to participate in this scenario for the first time. India will send Refale fighter jets to France to participate in the Orion exercise. Less

6. Which nation recently hosted a "Business Summit" in India to celebrate 25 years of friendship?
The India-France Business Summit was held to celebrate 25 years of friendship between the two countries. Building a sustainable future, cutting-edge technology, defense collaborat ReadMore ion, and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific regions will all be major topics. The CEOs Roundtable and Summit were organized by the Indian Embassy in Paris, France, in collaboration with the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI), MEDEF, and CII of India. Less

7. What state/UT celebrates the festival known as "Basava Jayanthi"?
Hindus celebrate Basava Jayanthi on the anniversary of the birth of Basavanna, a well-known philosopher and social reformer from the 12th century. primarily observed in the states ReadMore of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Basava, also known as Basaveshwara and Basavanna, was an Indian statesman, philosopher, poet, and Lingayat social reformer who lived in the 12th century CE. Less

8. 'Guided Bombs' are now being used in which nation?
Bombs that are guided feature tiny wings and tail surfaces to enable gliding flight. Because of their extraordinarily high production costs, these bombs are rarely deployed. Accor ReadMore ding to intelligence provided by the Ukrainian Air Force, Russia is targeting Ukraine more frequently with guided bombs. Less

9. What scientific word describes the distinction between solar radiation that is received and that that is emitted?
The difference between solar radiation coming in and flowing out is known as the Earth Energy Imbalance. As it provides an estimate of how much, how quickly, and where the Earth's ReadMore temperature is rising, it is the indicator of climate change. Approximately 381 ZJ of heat have accumulated on Earth between 1971 and 2020 as a result of anthropogenic emissions, according to a recent study. This roughly equates to an EEI of 0.48 watts per square meter. Less

10. What nation is the 'EU-India Aviation Summit' taking place in?
The EU-India Aviation Summit took place in New Delhi over two days. It focuses on the interactions around air travel as well as the opportunities and problems that the EU and India ReadMore share. The Airport Authority of India and Eurocontrol signed a declaration of purpose during the summit, and the DGCA and the European Union Aviation Safety signed a letter of intent/memorandum of understanding for increased cooperation. Less

11. Which year saw the founding of the UN Democracy Fund?
The United States and India sponsored an event to raise money for UNDEF at the World Summit at the UN General Assembly in September 2005. The majority of this grant is distributed ReadMore to civil society organizations in the area. While George Soros is placed on India's radar, it provides grants to NGOs that receive his funding. Less

12. Which organization is connected to "Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)"?
The Earth observation component of the European Union space program is called Copernicus. One of the six thematic services offered by the Copernicus Program is the Copernicus Clima ReadMore te Change Service (C3S). March 2023 saw changes on a number of climatic fronts, according to C3S. Less

13. Which nation's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) is a part of?
Government Communications Headquarters, also known as GCHQ, is a security and intelligence agency in the UK that is in charge of providing information assurance (IA) and signals in ReadMore telligence to the government and armed services of the country. As the first woman to head the UK's intelligence, cyber, and security agency, Anne Keast-Butler has been named the new director of GCHQ. Less

14. Which nation has classified the medication 'xylazine' as an emerging threat?
The United States is currently facing a "emerging threat" from the potent synthetic opioid fentanyl coupled with the animal tranquilizer xylazine. Due to its part in the ongoing o ReadMore pioid epidemic, xylazine is a hazard and is being utilized more and more in illicit narcotics. Less

15. Which organization is related to the "Ukraine Relief, Recovery, Reconstruction and Reform Trust Fund"?
A project to restore Ukraine's electricity infrastructure will get grant finance from the World Bank in the amount of USD 200 million. The Ukraine Relief, Recovery, Reconstruction ReadMore and Reform Trust Fund will be used to pay for this. It is a platform that enables the World Bank to assist the operations and relief efforts of the government of the Ukraine during the conflict. Less

16. Which telescope recorded the supernova remnant known as Cassiopeia A?
A supernova remnant called Cassiopeia A is located in the Cassiopeia constellation. It was given the moniker "Green Monster" in homage to Boston's Fenway Park. The James Webb Spac ReadMore e Telescope caught the supernova's leftovers in fine detail. Less

17. What is the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) growth prediction for India for 2023–2024?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has decreased its estimate of India's GDP growth for the fiscal year 2023–2024 by 20 basis points, to 5.9%. The RBI also stated that India' ReadMore s retail inflation would decrease from 6.7% in FY23 to 4.9% in FY24 and that the current account deficit would decrease from 2.6% of GDP in FY23 to 2.2% of GDP in FY24 in its most recent biannual World Economic Outlook. Less

18. Which species does Icaronycteris gunnelli, which was reported on, belong to?
The earliest bat species known to science, "Icaronycteris gunnelli," was discovered in Wyoming, United States, in the Fossil Lake layers of the Green River Formation. About 52 mil ReadMore lion years ago, the extinct species had a presence in North America. Less

19. Which two nations are at odds over the area of Nagorno-Karabakh?
The South Caucasus landlocked mountainous territory of Nagorno-Karabakh is contested by Armenia and Azerbaijan. Over the past 35 years, the two nations—both of which were origina ReadMore lly a member of the Soviet Union—have engaged in several battles over control of Nagorno-Karabakh. The only land route connecting Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh, the Lachin corridor, has lately been opened with a checkpoint set up by Azerbaijan. Less

20. In Himachal Pradesh, what insect has been raised to pollinate apple fruit crops?
Italian bees, or Apis mellifera, were introduced to India for the first time in 1962 and were raised in Nagrota, Himachal Pradesh. These bees are employed in the region to pollinat ReadMore e apple fruit harvests. It is believed that recent unseasonal snowfall and rain in Himachal Pradesh killed Italian honeybees, resulting in significant losses for apple growers. Shimla, Kinnaur, Lahaul Spiti, and Kullu districts, which are at an elevation of 2.13 kilometers or above, have reported the most bee deaths. Less

21. The 'United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues' is now taking place in which city?
At the UN's headquarters in New York, the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) will hold its 22nd session. The greatest annual gathering of indigenous people is at the ReadMore United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. "Indigenous Peoples, human health, planetary and territorial health, and climate change: a rights-based approach" is the session's main focus. Less

22. Which nation and the US reached an agreement on new immigration regulations to stop unauthorized border crossings?
Recent agreements between the US and Mexico on new immigration regulations to stop unauthorized border crossings. The nations have developed a five-point plan that will stop illeg ReadMore al immigration and open new doors for accepting people from Haiti, Cuba, and other nations. Less

23. Who made the "12-point development plan for the Pacific Island nations" announcement?
At the summit of the Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC), which was held in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, the Indian government unveiled a 12-point ReadMore development plan for the Pacific Island countries as part of the Act East Policy. The Act East Policy of India includes the 12-point development plan. This strategy focuses on things like cybersecurity, healthcare, and renewable energy. Less

24. Where is the headquarters of the Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI)?
Every five years, the Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), a member of the UNHRC, reviews and accredits National Human Rights Institutions based on thei ReadMore r adherence to the Paris Principles. It postponed the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India's re-accreditation for a second time by one year. Less

25. Which nation is home to the El Popo Volcano, which was recently featured in the news?
El Popo volcano, also known as Popocatepetl, has lately begun to emit plumes. Mexico is where it is located. The Nahuatl term "smoking mountain" is used to describe Popocatepetl. ReadMore It has been spewing hazardous gases, ash, and chunks of incandescent rock after being inactive for more than 70 years. Less

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