How to write a Letter to the Bank Manager for Bank Account Transfer

How to write a Letter to the Bank Manager for Bank Account Transfer

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago


The Bank Manager

[Name of the bank]

[Name of the branch]


Respected Sir/Madam

Subject: Request letter for bank account transfer.

I have had an account with your esteemed bank for more than [number of years/months]. My account number is [account no.]. 

I recently moved to [name of the city] as a result of a work transfer.

Please move my bank account that is now with your branch to the bank branch at [name of the branch]. 

The account would then be very simple for me to maintain on my end. Please debit my account for the costs associated with moving my bank account.

I've enclosed a copy of my existing residence's leave and licence agreement.

I sincerely hope you would give my request careful thought and take the appropriate action.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely

[Name of the account holder]

Attachment: A copy of the leave and agreement of current residence

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