Write a letter to the municipal commissioner regarding the colony's unhygienic circumstances

Write a letter to the municipal commissioner regarding the colony's unhygienic circumstances

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[Colony Address]


[Municipal Office Address]

Subject- The colony's unhygienic circumstances

Respected Sir,

For the last ten years, I've called [Colony Name] home. I want to draw your attention to the filthy circumstances that exist in our colony as a result of the authorities' failure to routinely clear up the rubbish piles.

Since the beginning of the year, the drains have also not been cleaned, which has led to our colony being a breeding ground for flies and mosquitoes, which has led to our inhabitants contracting malaria and dengue throughout the rainy season.

The authorities have done nothing despite numerous complaints for a very long time, and the situation has not changed. You are required to take urgent corrective action to make the situation right.

A response and action against the authorities are what I'm hoping for.

Thanking you,

[Your Name]

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