Write a letter to the Director of the institute for the course details of IAS

Write a letter to the Director of the institute for the course details of IAS

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[Institute Address]


The Director,

Subject: Inquiry into course details for IAS preparation

Respected Sir,

[Your Name] and [Daughter Name]'s Mother. I wish to enroll her in your coaching classes for IAS preparation because my daughter took the B. Sc. final year examinations.

About your institute, I've only heard great things. My kid is very eager to join a reputable services. 


Before deciding on the preparation classes, I wanted to learn more about the course that would be offered, the cost of the course, the schedule of classes, how long the course would last, what the course would cover, the transit facility, the test schedule, the class size, and the batch types that would be offered.

I'd appreciate it if you could send this information to me as soon as you can, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Faithfully

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

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