Write a letter to the shop owner regarding about the water filter's operation and replacement

Write a letter to the shop owner regarding about the water filter's operation and replacement

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[Shop Address]


Subject- Complaint about the water filter's operation and replacement

Respected Sir,

I purchased a water filter from your store on March 9, 2023, for [Price].

Sadly, your product hasn't worked out too well. Despite numerous attempts to change the water filter's filter, it only functions 50% of the time. I'm very dissatisfied because such a known store shouldn't have acted thus carelessly.

I would appreciate it if you replaced the water filter with a brand-new, completely functional unit to remedy the issue. The receipt is still with me. The guarantee card and copies of the receipt are enclosed.

I'm eagerly awaiting your response and a solution to my issue, and I'll hold off on contacting a consumer protection organization for a week. Contact me at [Address] or [Phone No.] if you need to.

Thanking you,

[Your Name]

[Home Address]

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