Write the school principal a letter asking about the admissions procedure

Write the school principal a letter asking about the admissions procedure

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago


The Principal,

[School Name]

Subject: Requesting information regarding my child's admittance to the school

Respected Sir,

With all due respect, I, [Your Name], would like to register my daughter for the forthcoming academic year in Class 6 at your institution. I've heard fantastic things about your school, and if my child was in, I would be ecstatic. 

I want my child to live a prosperous life, and graduating from this esteemed school will undoubtedly help him.

I'm curious to find out more information regarding the school's admissions process, pricing structure, entrance exam schedule, course offers, and other amenities. 

It will also be useful to have information about extracurricular activities, clubs, hobbies, etc.

Yours Faithfully

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

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