Write a letter to the book shop owner regarding 9th standard textbooks and stationery items

Write a letter to the book shop owner regarding 9th standard textbooks and stationery items

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[Home Address]


[Shop Name]

[Shop Address]

Subject- Supply of textbooks and stationery items

Respected Sir,

Please refer to the telephone conversations we had two days ago regarding the several textbooks, notepads, and stationery items I need from your store. Since I wasn't feeling well last week, I needed something from your company delivered quickly and safely to my home. 

Because of this, pls deliver the items stated below to the aforementioned address.

  • Chemistry  : 1
  • Math : 1
  • Science Book : 1
  • Black pen : 1 box
  • Pencil : 1 box
  • Sharpener : 5 pieces

  • Please estimate the cost of supplying the aforementioned goods while accounting for sales tax and any other applicable charges. Send the estimate by June 5 if possible.

    Thanking you,

    [Your Name]

    [Home Address]

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