Write a letter to the medical shop owner regarding place an order for medicines

Write a letter to the medical shop owner regarding place an order for medicines

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[Home Address]


[Shop Name]

Subject- Placing an order for medicines

Respected Sir,

My family and I are now under quarantine due to my high fever, and we need to get some meds. We have always appreciated the superior products your company has to offer, and this year is no exception. The quality is top-notch, and shipping is always completed on time. 

Consequently, ordering the following prescriptions won't stress us out. 

Please bring these items to our business at the aforementioned address in a proper manner.

  • [Medicine Name]  : [Quantity]
  • [Medicine Name]  : [Quantity]
  • [Medicine Name]  : [Quantity]
  • [Medicine Name]  : [Quantity]

  • Everything needs to be in good condition and packaged safely. Please extend to us a fair discount.

    Thanking you,

    [Your Name]

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