Write a letter to the Police Inspector regarding a complaint against land encroachment by neighbours

Write a letter to the Police Inspector regarding a complaint against land encroachment by neighbours

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[House Address]



The Police Inspector

[Police Station Address]

Subject- Filing a complaint against land encroachment by neighbours

Respected Sir,

Invasion of my farming land by my neighbors, the [Family Name], is something I want to report.

My neighbors gathered their farming tools and began planting seeds on my property on [Date, Month]. I displayed the documents that were annexed to prove that the land has belonged to me and my family since [Date of Purchase]. 

Every time someone in the village has their harvest ruined by bad weather, they infringe on their land. In addition to encroaching on our property, they also act and treat us improperly.

The citizens of [City Name] and the Panchayat are no longer able to put up with their behavior. We anticipate that the [Family Name] will face stern and prompt repercussions as a result of this letter.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely

[Your Name]

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