How to write a Letter to the Bank Manager for issue of Cheque Book

How to write a Letter to the Bank Manager for issue of Cheque Book

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago


The Bank Manager

[Name of the bank]

[Name of the branch]


Respected Sir/Madam

Subject: Request letter for issue of a new cheque book.

I'm writing to let you know that I've had an account with your [bank name] for a very long period. My account number is [account no.]. 

I am delighted with your services, and your personnel go above and beyond to be helpful.

I'm writing you this application letter to let you know that my current chequebook has just run out and that I urgently need a new one. 

It would be really thoughtful of you if you took the necessary action and gave me a new chequebook as soon as you could.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely

[Your name]


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