How to write a Letter to the Bank Manager to issue an ATM card

How to write a Letter to the Bank Manager to issue an ATM card

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

The Bank Manager

[Name of the bank]

[Name of the branch]

Respected Sir/Madam

Subject: Request letter to issue a new ATM card.

A few months ago, I established an account with your [Name of the bank]. However, for some reason, I did not request an ATM card at that time. 

I have just used the bank to make withdrawals and complete other transactions. I want to debit money from an ATM going forward because it might save me time. 

Please give me a new ATM card as soon as you can. You have my sincere gratitude for your thoughtfulness.

Thanking you,

Account Details:

Name : [your name]

Account Number : [ account number]

Yours faithfully,




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