Write a letter to the renewal of driving license no.

In a month, your driver's license will have expired.
To renew your license, write a letter to the relevant authority.
[Your Street Address]
The Licensing Authority
Department of Transport
[City Name]
Subject : Renewal of driving license no. [DL No: details]
I now submit a renewal request for my driver's license, [DL No: details], which expires on May 13, 2023.
Please renew my license before the deadline, sir, as it will expire the following month. Otherwise, I'll have problems using my car to get to work, which will be problematic for me.
I've included a copy of the original license as well as additional paperwork required for renewal.
I have already submitted the renewal application and made the required money for the license renewal; the receipt is attached to the letter.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanking you,
[Your Name]