Write a letter to the school principal regarding about school bus driver's dangerous driving

Write a letter to the school principal regarding about school bus driver's dangerous driving

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[School Address]



Subject- On the subject of school bus driver's dangerous driving.

Respected Sir,

I want to bring the serious problem of reckless driving by school bus drivers—which endangers the lives of innocent school children and trespassers—to the attention of the relevant authorities. On congested highways, driving erratically, exceeding speed limits, and disobeying traffic signals have all become increasingly prevalent.

None of these drivers appear to adhere to the rigorous speed limits despite that. This demonstrates that implementation is lacking. The bus drivers' excessive speed driving poses a risk to other road users since they could run down anyone who gets in their way. 

It is intended that by addressing this issue, public awareness of the risks associated with reckless driving will increase. It is also time for the traffic authorities to take stronger action against careless drivers, such as imposing steep penalties and suspending their licenses in the event that they are found guilty of violating traffic laws.

Thanking you,

[Your Name]

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