Write a letter to the book shop owner regarding an order for school books

Write a letter to the book shop owner regarding an order for school books

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[School Name]


[Shop Name]

[Shop Address]

Subject- To place an order for school books and other story books

Respected Sir,

At [School Name] in [Place Name], I am the librarian. I need to place an order for the school's library. The required books include:

  • A Pact with the Sun (Class V and VI) : 20
  • NCERT Social and Political Life (Class XI and X): 25
  • Chemistry (Class XI and X) : 15
  • Mathematics by R S Agarwal (Class X and XII) : 25
  • NCERT Geography (Class VI, VII and X) : 25
  • The teacher I Never Met : 20

  • By June 10, 2023, please make sure the books are delivered. 50% of the total will be paid after the order confirmation is received. 

    The other half of the payment will be made following delivery. Because I am a regular customer, I hope to get a discount off the total price of the books. 

    I'm looking forward to your affirmation. I want to mention something else as well. The most recent batch of books included many with torn pages. 

    We decided not to share it because it was inconsequential, but we won't stand for more of this irresponsible behavior. The remaining half of the money won't be made until meticulous bookkeeping is finished.

    Thanking you,

    [Your Name]

    [School Address]

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