Write a letter to the Police Inspector for vandalisation of a property

Write a letter to the Police Inspector for vandalisation of a property

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[House Address]



The Police Inspector

[Police Station Address]

Subject- Filing complaint regarding vandalisation of a property

Respected Sir,

I want to make a formal complaint about the vandalism that happened to my car while I was shopping at [Market Name]. On the day of Diwali, or [Date], at 4 p.m., the act took place.

The two vandals were males who weren't older than 20. They were all dark-skinned, short people. They wore blue denim jeans, white shirts, and white handkerchiefs on their faces. They vandalized many other cars parked in the market in addition to my own using spray paint cans.

I'm hoping that with swift and prompt action, the police can track them down and punish them severely for their inappropriate behavior.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely

[Your Name]

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