Write a letter to the in-charge of the text-books regarding about the lack of textbook availability

Write a letter to the in-charge of the text-books regarding about the lack of textbook availability

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[School Name]

[In-Charge Office Address]



Subject- Complaint about the lack of textbook availability.

Respected Sir,

This is to let you know that despite a month having passed since the start of the school year, no bookstore currently has the most recent CBSE textbooks. Without textbooks, students must attend class. Some people are stealing the older models from their seniors who are using an outdated syllabus. Learning and comprehending issues are the result of this. The kids are not being significantly affected by the lectures lecturers are giving. 

Books are a crucial component of education, and I hope you can sense the seriousness of the problem, Sir/Madam. I kindly ask that you act quickly to make the books available as soon as you can. I sincerely hope that my complaint is not ignored.

Thanking you,

[Your Name]

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