Write a letter to the Institution regarding English content writing courses

Write a letter to the Institution regarding English content writing courses

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[Instution Name]

[Instution Address]



Subject- Enquiry into a summer course in english content writing

Respected Sir,

In today's morning newspaper, I saw your advertisement for content writing. Additionally, I've heard a lot of positive things about your institute from my friends. 

As a student in the eleventh grade, I'd want to enroll in a summer content writing course because I find it to be both fascinating and enjoyable. I have a strong command of English, therefore I could see myself creating content as a vocation. 

Please provide more details regarding the content writing programs that your esteemed institute offers.

Please give me the information at the aforementioned address, including a list of the courses offered, their duration, the times of the classes, and the fee. Additionally, please send me any related papers or brochures on the subject.

Please respond as soon as possible so I can decide with confidence.

Thanking You

[Your Name]

[Phone No.]

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