Write a letter to the Police Inspector regarding inquiring about complaint number

Write a letter to the Police Inspector regarding inquiring about complaint number

category of Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1 year ago

[House Address]



The Police Inspector

[Police Station Address]

Subject- Inquiring about complaint number [Mention Number]

Respected Sir,

I'm writing to ask about a complaint of a stolen bike that was made on [Date] with complaint number [Number].

I reported the theft of my Honda motorcycle the following day, sir. I haven't heard anything regarding the complaint that was filed in the past two weeks. 

I beg you to look into the matter as soon as you can because the bike was brand new. If not, I'll have to go via the bike's insurance to get the money back.

We kindly request that you offer an update on the case's development and detail any fresh information. I promise complete cooperation on my part. 

For your information, I've included a copy of the complaint. I'm anticipating your prompt response.

Thanking you,

[Your Name]

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